TASK: Design a concept data visualisation of dynamic clinical research spreadsheet.
COMPOSITE IN: After Effects
Example reference only: D3 Data driven Visualisations. Even though sunburst, node link or circular tree-map's structure is aesthetically pleasing, the bad user interface between the hierarchical structure makes it very inefficient, particularly for incorporating a large number of levels or ranks.
SUNBURST: Similar to radial treemap, sunbursts starts with a normal root with the remaining ranks expanding outwards from the middle with a sequence of segmented rings and juxtaposed cells
CIRCULAR: Each branch or section of the tree is represented by a circle, which is then filled with smaller circles representing subsections. Even though the circular tree-map hierarchical structure is quite explicit, the wasted space between its cells make it ineffective visualisation technique.
MULTIDIRECTIONAL: From an initial root within the plotted area, multidirectional tree-map expand towards the edge of the space, moving in distinct paths and periodically bifurcating. This leads to an organic, unconfined appearance not to be confused with unordered or disorganized.
FIGURATIVE: As one of the most ubiquitous visual classification systems, the figurative tree-map has embraced the most realistic and organic traits of its real, biological counterpart, using trunks, branches, abd offshoots to represent connections among different entities.
HYPERBOLIC: A variation of the radial tree, the hyperbolic tree-map is a more recent, computer-aided visualisation generated with advanced algorithm. Primarily uses a "focus and context" technique that emphasizes a given set of nodes while giving less prominence to other dependencies, making them progressvely smaller.
HORIZONTAL: Horizontal trees have proved highly efficient for archetypal models such as classification trees, flow charts, mind maps, dendrograms and notably, in the display of files on software applications.
VERTICAL: As one of the most familiar kinds of node-link diagrams, the vertical tree-map is now widely used to depict taxonomical knowledge, in various renditions of organizational charts, family tree, decision trees file system and site maps.
RADIAL: The most popular radial construct places the tree root, source, or origin at the very center of the diagram, with plitting ranks moving toward the circle's periphery, aligned to a series of concentric rings. Advantages of radial tree-map is its composed, optimal use of space; in opposition to vertical and horizontal tree-maps.